Europe trips

France, Italy, Germany, Austria ??? Where do you want to go ??

Paris, Nice, Milano, Roma, Berlin, Vienne ....... so many destinations ...

Switzerland is now in Shengen area

That means, where ever you are from, as soon as you have your B-Permit, you can travel in those countries without visa by train or by car (if you want to travel by plane you will still need a visa if you are from a country not included in Shengen area).

Want a tour ?


Here are some suggestions with the main informations to organize your trip

We are available for more details or some help 


You can have a look to some suggestions thanks to the following pdf files

Roma.pdf (372,6 kB)

Venise.pdf (174,1 kB)

Lucerne.pdf (210,1 kB)

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